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What it takes to SUCCEED.

Approximately 98% of the human population will fail at their attempts to take their lives into the realm of their highest potential, or rather, financial freedom.

I'd like to change the stats.

But what does it take for an individual to succeed at manifesting their highest potential in physical form?

Faith. Action. Resilience. Persistence. Clarity. Positivity. Community. To name a few.

A few weeks ago I created an invitation for a group of people to come forward in pursuit of attaining their highest potential by joining my MasterMind group.

The intention for this group is to attain financial freedom by gathering our collective gifts, and using them to create services that are designed to help our community realize their dreams.

There are five of us in this first cohort.

Each of us, within our group, seeks to be of service to the world, through our hearts and actions in ways that will elicit FREEDOM of the highest order, for those of you who dream to make a significant impact in your lives, whatever your aim may be.

The first cohort will be the foundation for which each of us within the group will realize our own dreams by helping and supporting our collective. Our first collective project is raising funds to complete the build of a sanctuary in France (border near Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains) , which we will all be gifted in having access to use as we wish, for the benefit of our families and collective communities.

The collective creative/brain-power between us can be evaluated, in terms of monetary value, into the sum of tens of millions. Collectively, we have the power to make things happen, in any regard.

The one thing each of us has had to come to terms with, is our ability to lead.

You are either a leader or a follower, and you must decide which camp you wish to live in.

Every great leader knows and has followed a great leader, while assimilating their teachings into our own lives, so as to become one ourselves. Great Leaders induce respect and collaboration.

This world lacks great leadership, for now. There is an abundance of opportunity for those who possess intellectual genius, talents and gifts that have gone unnoticed by those who lack vision.

You are who you most commonly abide by.

Take a moment to take stock of the people who are in your cheering section. And by this I do not mean people who enjoy your company. By this I mean people who cause you to become inspired by their presence and energy. People who listen to your ideas, dreams and vision. People who help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you'd like to BE.

In order to achieve freedom (financial, creative, relational) we must surround ourselves with people who recognize the potential within us. Freedom is not an isolated endeavor. It requires gaining the support of people who act harmoniously with their peers, and who are motivated by changing the world for the better, which results in riches in every form.

This kind of living induces positivity, and positivity need be the life-blood of your life. The mission at this Earth school is to train the mind to think positively, without consistent positivity life may seem hopeless. When hopless-ness and despair are present in ones life, this means that there is a lack of nutritive-soulful support, for one-self and from the surrounding relational culture.

Disease and depression are the byproducts of living an un-authentic life.

There is no time to waste on realizing your potential. Tomorrow will be wrought with regret if aligned action is not taken today.

My questions to the 146 of you who did not accept my invitation to join The MasterMind - DreamsWorks group is... What are You Waiting For? What would you be willing to give in terms of time, money and energy to find out what you're made of, where your gifts of purpose are, in order to receive riches in both money and spiritual sustenance?

I intend on putting an additional MasterMind - DreamWorks group together in the near future.

You can rely on receiving the following:

-Recognition of your genius, whatever that may be

-Clarity and counseling on a vision that you may possess

-Inspiration and support to act upon that vision

-Jedi-Mind training exercises to strengthen faith and positivity in yourself

-A roadmap of consciousness for how to attain your burning desire(s)

-Healing experiences designed to dissolve past traumas, so as to make room for Creation

-Community members who are curious and care about your dreams, vision and overall human experience

-Ecstatic and joyful shared experiences involving the arts and plant culture

What have you got to lose? And what do you stand to win?

Let me know!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and answer ANY questions you may have about this endeavor.

Reply "LOVE LAB" to this email and let's begin the process.

Freedom awaits you,

Marian xo

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